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Vision: Mindset Camp Special Care Ministry will be able to minister Godly principles to individuals with special needs, and behavioral and emotional challenges.

Proverbs 31:8-9 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

There are many within our society and families that are dealing with some type of special need, behavioral and emotional challenges, or physical issue, yet are overlooked, frowned upon, or not understood. It is our earnest endeavor to design programs that will be beneficial for individuals, while promoting spiritual growth through God’s word.

Our Camp Sessions will  provide support to individuals and caregivers through counseling, interactive activities, holistic resources, gross motor assimilation, training/webinars, and caregiver groups.

Mindset Camp will operate from a Holistic Approach  to foster a multi-dimensional model to help build individuals behaviorally, mentally, emotionally, physically, occupationally, and/or socially.

Mindset Camp will also implement a Cognitive Wellness Program. Wellness promotes cognitive functioning by exercising brain muscles which can improve or in some cases maintain functioning at optimal level. Cognitive Wellness encourages mental activities through problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, imagery, sensory stimulation, and hand and eye coordination to promote a better and healthier lifestyle. Cognitive Wellness will allow individuals to engage in stimulating activities that will expand their knowledge and skills as well as strengthen ADL awareness.

Behavior Support Plans and Treatment Plans will be available to all those who fit the criteria for services by a licensed professional. Modeling and training will provide strategies to decrease and de-escalate maladaptive behaviors, emotional or psychological distress, cognitive wellness skill building, and offer communal resources.Behavior Support Plans will be available to all those who fit the criteria for services by a licensed professional. Modeling and training will provide strategies to decrease and de-escalate maladaptive behaviors, cognitive wellness skill building, and offer communal resources.